It’s never good news if your cat has internal parasites. They are common and appear irrespective of age, breed or gender. Furthermore, they are very uncomfortable and troublesome, and make your cat irritable.

Internal parasites are found in the intestine, at the cardiopulmonary level or in other organs. What usually happens is that the cat that has parasites presents symptoms like chronic diarrhoea, fur in poor condition, weight loss, abdominal distension or vomiting. Parasitism can even affect nursing kittens because, if the mother is infested, she transmits the parasite to her kittens through the placenta and her milk. In order to avoid this, you should de-worm them if they are infected and then apply an appropriate anti-parasitic every three months.

A cat that is up-to-date with all their vaccinations and that is periodically administered antiparasitics, will be protected against parasites.


A cat that is up-to-date with all their vaccinations and that is periodically administered antiparasitics, will be protected against parasites; even more so if they also stay indoors. The majority of internal parasites are caught through the faecal-oral route. This can happen by touching contaminated soil and then not properly washing the hands afterwards. Humans can also transmit a parasite to their cat and the source of contagion can be the same: bad water, food that has not been adequately washed, contact with an infested animal and ingestion of infested meat, among other causes.